IoT water leak detection sensor

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IoT water leak detection sensor

Smart water leak detector

IoT water leak sensor that detects the slight sound of water leaks occurring in water pipes, transmits the sensed data through a wireless communication network, and analyzes the information in the data to determine water leaks.

Product number 4111551001

Water leak detection method Sound and vibration detection method
Size 105x105x130mm or less
Weight less than 1kg
Power Built-in lithium battery
Operating Temperature -20℃~ +55℃
Exterior material PC or Stainless steel
Communication method NB-IOT
Antenna Built-in
Protection class IP-68
Number of external interfaces 1
Battery life 10 years or more
NB-IoT method
tabWater pressure gauge for real-time water pressure monitoring in drain pipes
NB-IoT Internet of Things communication network
Application of local water supply modernization (K-water, K-eco)
Communication cost: 198~330 won/ea/month (communication contract)
LTE-M1 method
Install water leak detection sensor in meter box and current flow.
LTE-M1 Internet of Things communication network
No repeater or collector required, low communication costs
Communication cost: 660~1,100 won/ea/month (communication contract)

When and wherever, able to detect water leak automatically

Photo of IoT Water leak detection sensor




